
Why Feed Raw?

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What is a Raw Diet?

A raw diet simply is…….an unprocessed, natural diet containing a combination of raw meat, bone, offal, fruits and vegetables and great fats!

The history of pet feed is a very interesting topic and as dogs and cats have become domesticated one crucial point to remember is that their digestive system has stayed the same. They are not designed to eat high-carb diets filled with rice or meat derivatives, unnatural flavourings and additives that we are all too often told to feed our pets.

To thrive, they benefit the most from fresh ingredients that mimic their own species’ appropriate dietary needs.

Why Feed Raw?

Dogs are members of the carnivore family. If you look into their mouths you will see teeth that are designed for grabbing, ripping, tearing, shredding and shearing meat. Once the food passes into the stomach, the acid is so strong (equivalent to Hydrochloric Acid) that it allows the breakdown of large pieces of protein and raw bones. This is why dogs rarely get ill from eating rotten food found when out on a walk! 

Why Choose Raw Over Commercial Foods?

Commerical foods are a processed food and raw and aatural diet is natural food with no processing at all.  

What is a BARF Diet?

A raw dog diet, also known as a raw food diet or BARF diet (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food), involves feeding dogs raw meat, bones, organs, fruits, and vegetables instead of commercial dog food. The idea behind this diet is that dogs, like their wild ancestors, are better suited to eating raw, unprocessed food that mirrors their natural hunting and scavenging behavior.

What are the Benefits of Eating Raw?

  • Smaller firm poops!
  • Healthy skin and shinier coat
  • Improved health
  • Increased immunity
  • No breath or body odour
  • Energy levels are more balanced

Benefits of Eating Raw

Smaller Stools

Smaller, non-smelly firmer stools, say goodbye to massive poop bags and large poop.

Fewer Stools

60% less stools due to the body absorbing all the goodness.

Healthy Skin & Shinier Coat

Improved Health & Vitality

Increased Immunity

No Breath/Body Odour

Less Itchy

Balanced/Consistent Energy Levels

Improved Hydration

No more smelly wind! The difference once you feed a raw diet is quite remarkable and cleaner air is once resumed, which only leaves one question…..who are you going to blame it on now?

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